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来源:高校网 | 发布时间:2023-09-09 14:58:45 |  访问:1739


the hong kong university of science and technology (guangzhou), (“hkust(gz)”), was officially approved by the ministry of education of people’s republic ofchinato enter the preparatory status in september 2019. located in nansha,guangzhou, the campus covers 1.13 square kilometers and the first phase of construction is expected to be completed by september 2022. at steady state, the number of undergraduate and postgraduate students will reach a total of 10,000. under the “unified hkust, complementary campuses” framework, the intended areas of focus in hkust(gz) will be thematic and cross-disciplinary in nature, synergistic with hkust, a world-renowned international research university with innovation in her dna. there will be four academic hubs (equivalent to schools) with 16 thrust areas (equivalent to departments).


job titlevice-president for research(vpr)

departmentoffice of the vice-president for research,hkust(gz)

job id5741

hkust(gz) is seeking applications and nominations for the position of vice-president for research (vpr). reporting to and working closely with the president as part of the senior leadership team, major areas of responsibilities of the vpr include but are not limited to

1.providing the overall leadership and strategic development of university-wide research agenda and overseeing related research institutes and centers;

2.working closely with the senior management team and the university community at large to provide leadership in research by encouraging and facilitating research and engagement among faculty and students;

3.developing and facilitating directions and scopes for research inguangzhoucampus while creating synergies in research between theclearwaterbayandguangzhoucampuses;

4.responsible for leading the university’s strategic plan and application of research funding opportunities with special focus on various mainland government funding schemes from national to local levels;

5.serving as a member of the university’s senior management team to advance the overall well-being and to address any particular challenges and risks faced by hkust(gz).

the vpr is expected to be a well-recognized researcher with international standing, high academic qualifications, and a record of outstanding contributions to scholarship with evidence of research impact; together with vision, energy, and commitment as well as substantial administrative experiences in leading the university’s research activities to the next level of excellence.


请登录香港科技大学(广州)网申链接,按照职位编号(job id: 5741)或职位名称检索对应职位投递简历(网址:https://career.hkust-gz.edu.cn/en/career)【快捷投递:点击下方“立即投递/投递简历”,即刻进行职位报名】







(information provided by applicants will be used for recruitment and other employment-related purposes only.)

hkust (gz) is an equal opportunities employer and is committed to our core values of inclusiveness, diversity, and respect.

推荐:更多 请关注 今日招聘官方微信公众号


【 责任编辑:高校小招 】





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