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面议 北京通州区 应届毕业生 本科
面议 北京通州区 应届毕业生 本科
职位概要 负责项目的视觉和创意设计,管理整体设计和风格; 准确理解各部门的创意要求,整合信息进行视觉创作; 综合各部门的反馈意见,提出不同的设计视觉表现形式; 根据具体要求,领导和指导团队完成设计项目的提案和创意设计。 岗位职责 精通 Photoshop、Indesign 和 Illustrator、Premier 等设计软件。具有高超的美术功底,版面设计独特新颖,熟练掌握整体布局和色彩,能清晰表达设计理念; 具有较强的视觉和创意设计能力,对图像、文字和色彩有较高的敏感度; 熟悉杂志排版风格、图片选择、插图和版式设计; 根据业务要求,设计符合活动主题的海报、标识、VI、说明、户外广告和画册; 熟悉视觉版式风格、图片选择、插图和版式设计; 工作守时,能够独立完成设计任务。 任职资格 至少 8 年的创意和社会营销经验,或在整合营销广告公司(4A 或数字传播)从事创意工作的经验; 有化妆品、快消品品牌工作经验者优先;有快消品、化妆品服务经验和成功案例者优先; 熟悉Photoshop、Illustrator、InDesign等图形图像处理软件; 善于学习和沟通,具有创新意识、良好的逻辑思维能力、较强的责任心和团队合作精神,工作主动积极。 教育背景 广告设计、艺术设计或其他专业学士学位或更高学历 Job Title: Assistant Design Manager Job Summary Responsible for visual and creative design of projects and managing the overall design and style; Accurately understand the creative requirements of the departments and integrate information for visual creation; Consolidate the feedback from the department and propose different visual expression formats for designs; Lead and guide teams in the completion of proposals and creative design for design projects based on specific requirements. Major Responsibilities Proficient in design software such as Photoshop, Indesign, and Illustrator, Premier. With superior artistic skills, unique and innovative layout designs, skilled in overall layout and colors and able to express design ideas clearly; Have strong visual and creative design skills and high sensitivity to images, text, and colors; Familiar with magazine layout styles, image selection, illustrations, and layout design; Design posters, logos, VI, instructions, outdoor ads, and albums that match event themes in accordance with business requirements; Familiar with visual layout styles, image selection, illustrations, and layout design; Punctual in the workplace and able to complete design tasks independently. Qualifications At least 8 years of experience in creative and social marketing or creative work in an integrated ad distribution company (4A or Digital communication); Candidates with experience in cosmetics and FMCG brands are preferred; candidates with FMCG and cosmetics service experience and successful cases are preferred; Familiar with graphic and image processing software such as Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign; Skilled in learning and communication, having creative mind, good logic, strong sense of responsibility and teamwork spirit, and taking the initiative at work. Education Bachelor’s degree or further education in ad design, art design, or other professional disciplines External Job Description External Job Description Job Title: Assistant Design Manager Job Summary Responsible for visual and creative design of projects and managing the overall design and style; Accurately understand the creative requirements of the departments and integrate information for visual creation; Consolidate the feedback from the department and propose different visual expression formats for designs; Lead and guide teams in the completion of proposals and creative design for design projects based on specific requirements. Major Responsibilities Proficient in design software such as Photoshop, Indesign, and Illustrator, Premier. With superior artistic skills, unique and innovative layout designs, skilled in overall layout and colors and able to express design ideas clearly; Have strong visual and creative design skills and high sensitivity to images, text, and colors; Familiar with magazine layout styles, image selection, illustrations, and layout design; Design posters, logos, VI, instructions, outdoor ads, and albums that match event themes in accordance with business requirements; Familiar with visual layout styles, image selection, illustrations, and layout design; Punctual in the workplace and able to complete design tasks independently. Qualifications At least 8 years of experience in creative and social marketing or creative work in an integrated ad distribution company (4A or Digital communication); Candidates with experience in cosmetics and FMCG brands are preferred; candidates with FMCG and cosmetics service experience and successful cases are preferred; Familiar with graphic and image processing software such as Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign; Skilled in learning and communication, having creative mind, good logic, strong sense of responsibility and teamwork spirit, and taking the initiative at work. Education Bachelor’s degree or further education in ad design, art design, or other professional disciplines
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